Sunday, February 5, 2017

Introduction To Software

Introduction To Software

Set of programs that are used to communicate with computer are called software. or the programs that we make in the computer are called software ( that we can see but not touch ). Language and Packages like MS Word ,MS Excel,Basic&COBOL etc. Computer does nothing unless it is   given instruction to perform.
Software has two types:

1.System Software 
2. Application Software

1.System Software 

System Software consists of the programs that control over all operations of the computer system .
System Software has following types:
3/4 Operating System 
3/4 Translators
3/4 system Utilities

Operating System
A Software that controls the hardware 'OR'A Software that provides such an environment to user in which he operates computer easily.It is responsible for the flow of data between different components of computers.

To execute programs from high level language to computer code ( The binary pattern '0 and 1'), some system are used called translators.These are of following types:

System Utilities:
Utilities are system software's They provide useful service by performing common tasks such as sorting, merging and copying.

2.Application Software 

Software designed to do a specific task is called application software it has two categories:
1.General Software
2.Standard Software

General Software
It consists of different languages.


All the computer programs and instruction are written in computer language. It is such software in which the programmer makes the programming types of language :
1 Low level Language 
2.High level Language
3.Middle level Language

Standard Software 


Package is such a software in which programming is already made.user just operates this software .In other words we can say that package is a  pre-made program.It has following categories:
1.Word Processing (MS-Word ,Word Perfect,Word Pad,Writer)
2.Spread Sheet (MS=Excel, Lotus 123)
3.Database (MS-Access,Oracle,SQL)
4.Graphics (MS-Point, Corel draw,Photo Shop